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#61 Alexander » 21.09.2009, 19:38

Третья часть СНОТа от Тимофея - брать там же, где и всегда)))
Alexander M
Откуда: Москва
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#62 apostolMono » 21.09.2009, 22:23

Вот и The Second Raid коллекционку сделали, интересно как там будет перевод

"Жизнь далеко не так проста как вы думаете. Она гораздо проще."
закон Мэрфи

apostolMono M
Откуда: г. Асбест Свердловская обл.
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#63 Blumen_von_Eis » 22.09.2009, 09:41

apostolMono, это скорее в FMP Merchandise. Здесь-то вроде про переводы новелл.
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
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С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#64 apostolMono » 22.09.2009, 14:27

ПРОСЬБА: администрация, перенесите 64е сообщение в тему FMP Merchandise или сенсации.
"Жизнь далеко не так проста как вы думаете. Она гораздо проще."
закон Мэрфи

apostolMono M
Откуда: г. Асбест Свердловская обл.
Репутация: 0 (+0/−0)
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Зарегистрирован: 30.01.2009
С нами: 15 лет 2 месяца

#65 Sergey » 10.10.2009, 13:19

Т.к. наш новобрачный, наверное, занят временно возложу на себя информационную функцию и продублирую сообщение Ulfa:

Четвертая часть СНОТа от Тимофея ждет своих читателей ))
Sergey M
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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#66 Alexander » 12.10.2009, 19:49

Пока временно взявший на себя обязанности ньюсмейкера опохмеляется ;))))))) спешу сообщить, оторвавшись от дел амурных, что в продажу поступил диск Стальная тревога: Новый рейд. Диск 2. Смотреть и заказывать здесь: http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4730325/
Alexander M
Откуда: Москва
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Зарегистрирован: 28.06.2008
С нами: 15 лет 9 месяцев

#67 apostolMono » 27.10.2009, 15:43

Третий диск TSR на OZONe http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4776586/
"Жизнь далеко не так проста как вы думаете. Она гораздо проще."
закон Мэрфи

apostolMono M
Откуда: г. Асбест Свердловская обл.
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Зарегистрирован: 30.01.2009
С нами: 15 лет 2 месяца

#68 Alexander » 22.11.2009, 23:31



Финал приближается!
Сюжет становится все мрачнее и жестче. И в соответствии с духом романа, в котором мы увидим беспощадную последнюю схватку, кульминацию всей серии, публикуемые здесь факты были получены инсайдерским способом. Кажется, что совсем скоро мы узнаем один секрет "Мифрила", но пока мы должны подождать: книга написана примерно на половину и ее выход ожидается следующей весной.
Канаме Чидори: Её неожиданные и стремительные действия привели к тому, что она покинула Соске и присоединилась к Леонарду Тестаросса. Что послужило причиной тому, что она сделала? Сам же Сагара узнал несколько горьких истин, и теперь он должен пересмотреть многое из того, во что он раньше верил. Что несет ему неумолимо надвигающееся будущее?
(ХХХ — закрашенные имя в оригинале)
Остановившись у двери небольшого домика, ХХХ вздыхает, и в его взгляде появляется уверенность. Его обман длился десятки лет, все считали его убитым и даже похоронили...
Но, похоже, этой встречи уже не избежать. Спустя столь долгое время человек, основавший "Мифрил", это отчётливо понимает. ХХХ пытается выбить ударом ноги хлипкую деревянную дверь, но она не поддаётся. Тогда он решает избрать другой путь и направить свои усилия на косяки и петли. Наконец, дверь не выдерживает и проваливается внутрь помещения со страшным шумом. Человек достает пистолет и инстинктивно берет его так, как когда-то его учили во время тяжёлых тренировок в лагере подготовки морских пехотинцев. Готовый ко всему, он беззвучно проскальзывает внутрь.
Все остальное мы узнаем из самого романа. Снова ждем!
Alexander M
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 6 (+6/−0)
Сообщения: 4375
Зарегистрирован: 28.06.2008
С нами: 15 лет 9 месяцев

#69 MisterV » 01.01.2010, 15:45

Всех с Новым Годом!
Поскольку я не могу тут заводить отдельный тред, то решил запостить здесь...
В общем, скормный подарочек - перевод двух юморных рассказов из второго сборника.



Ссылки вроде должны работать... Я, как shutazen, специально для этого завел ЖЖ ( http://xmistervx.livejournal.com/ ), и там указал на ваш сайт.


#70 Blumen_von_Eis » 08.01.2010, 17:45

Новый год начинается просто отлично! Animenewsnetwork сообщает со ссылкой на блог Гато Сёдзи, что выпуск последней новеллы из серии FMP! ожидается этой весной:

"В минувший вторник Гато Сёдзи сообщил в своем блоге, что он работает сейчас над последней новеллой основного сюжета в серии FMP! Релиз новеллы ожидается весной этого года. Кроме того, Гато не исключает, что позже напишет несколько коротких рассказов, относящихся к той же серии. В самом деле, принадлежащий издательству Fujimi Shobo журнал Dragon Magazine готовит к публикации новые короткие рассказы о приключениях старшеклассников школы "Дзиндай". Этим журнал собирается отметить 20 января 2010 года выход в свет своего трёхсотого номера".

Полный текст новости на Animenewsnetwork (англ.)
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
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Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#71 Blumen_von_Eis » 05.02.2010, 23:32

Новый перевод сайдстори с японского - Surechigai_no_Hostility о злобном физруке и сдобных булочках)) Аплодисменты трудившемуся для нас Genzo!
Качаем, наслаждаемся чтением и ждем новых переводов)
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
Репутация: 7 (+7/−0)
Сообщения: 8586
Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#72 kuciy » 08.02.2010, 01:17

свежий спойлер на новую side story от HunterSeeker:
The Circular Rolling Thermopylae

On a Friday in the afterschool classroom, Chidori asks if Sousuke about the issue of selling stuff on Sunday, as she had asked him to help her to set up a stall in the Flea Market in front of the municipal house. Sousuke replies that SHE wrote a note to him not to have any operations on that day in order to help Chidori for the matter......which is marked nine days later. But the Market is going to be held on Sunday, and when she asks him if he's still free on that day, he says he's not available. Too bad that Chidori tries to find lots of mangas to sell AND pretending Sousuke's interests are on those (including Golgo13, etc)......And Sousuke sweats that it seems she's inviting him basing on an evil reason. She then asks if he can cancel the appointment, and while it's not a military issue (you know), he's still not able to join her, as he's invited to do some important stuff in the trading house in Fuyuumi, something similar to a Flea Market.

As such, Chidori can only find Kyoko to help her over the issue. After sitting for an hour, an owner of a Ramen shop that she knew came and buy ALL the mangas away, leaving some of their unwanted stuff for sale on their selling desk. (From HS: Man, you must've been thirsted for these for long......) But it's just around Ten (when people just start to come), and it'll be one hell boring onwards since Chidori reserved a whole day to sell stuff. Kyoko then asks if Sousuke is at Fuyuumi, adding that it's interesting to see him running a stall. Out of curiousty and boredom, the two then set off for Fuyuumi.

Since there're no response on phone, the two then leave the train by their memory, but something's strange: it's Sunday, but there're no families nor lovers around------rather, there're tons of suspicious people around, at least 40 since they're on the train's plafform......and they're all having strange appearances that're no less than terrifying by their earrings, belts, tattoos, haircuts, etc. Hell, they will hardly find one even staying in town for a whole day. Or specifically, with the scene filled with graffiti and shouts, it looks horribly like the world of Legend of Messiah in the End of Century------post-Nuclear War thugs hanging around shouting "IT'S STERILIZING THOSE UNCLEAN STUFF!"while killing innocent villagers, but soon being killed by a passing-by martial artist with a FINGER. It's just a scene like that......(From HS: Gatoh, next time, portray Sousuke as Kenshiro for that matter.) And in front of the station a mass number of people are playing noisy music and shaking their heads hard. Chidori wonders who're they, but Kyoko tells her not to look at them------at least, they seem not to have anything to do with Sousuke's activity.
The trading house was built on reclaimed land, and though it's a nice place, it looks surprisingly small due to all those open spaces and carparks. It seems he's in there, but he still doesn't answer the phone.......In the end, what activity he's participating? Probably a fan-manga fair as Kyoko thinks, but Chidori thinks it's probably a gathering of military fanatics. They go into the oversized entrance anyway, and reach a big room which is a few times bigger than a school stadium.
And what the hell is this activity? On the welcoming door, it writes "The Eighth Fumofumo Gathering", and Chidori simply see------

I think we don't even need to go through what Bonta-kuns are (mouse/dog like mascots), and there're 100+ of these in this place for a gathering. Hundreds of stalls (and tables/flags/etc, for that matter) with Bonta-kuns Fumo-ing around to sell their products and books. There're even a five-Bonta band on the stage playing music, and bunny girl-like Bonta-kuns dancing beside them------with obvious cheers. Human participants are no less than "only a few", but the biggest impact still comes from all those Bonta-kuns around. In normal cases, Chidori should be shouting "cute~" and shaking her body, but with the numbers here she feels more frustrated than anything else, and they don't leave on spot simply because of their curiousity. And then a Bonta-kun waves at them, giving them a photo album full of Bonta-kuns' poses------which is actually pretty neat for a fan-based product even if treating it as a normal magazine. Chidori then has a brief *conversation* with him (it?) and buys it by 1000yen, while Kyoko (while admiring) doesn't really understand how she understand their words (who replies it's basing on feelings).
As they continue to look around, they find this place sell more than books, all sorts of products are available. And then a *standard* Bonta-kun gets close towards the two, and as Kyoko becomes nervous about this, Chidori carefully observes this incoming mascot: colours of some parts are fading due to numerous crawling, its ears swings a greater range than others because of all those mics and FM anteenas, and hairs on the head also have some familiar press marks, since it should be wearing helmets frequently in addition to hats, so......It Sousuke, and it turns out right. (Kyoko still doesn't have the idea why Chidori will know that) He then gives two earphones to them, signalling them to put it on so that they can hear the actual words.
Sousuke asks them why they're here with obvious answers, and when Chidori asks what's this, he replies that it's an annual event of exchanging stuff and information (shit you not, he actualyl says these)------an "large-scaled Only Event" by Kyoko's words. But then how come Sousuke will be here? Simply said, his sales of this Powered Suit through a Belgian arms dealer had been heard by the organizer, so he's invited to this event......and are highly respected by other Bonta-kuns (providing they nod at him as tehy pass by). So what the hell is a Bonta-kun anyway? A white Bonta-kun (with elegant appearance, at least how it appears, WB from now on) comes in and introduce himself as a representative of this market (Surname Fumo, kid you not......though it's just a nickname for writing), and begins explaining Bonta-kun's history.
Bonta-kuns (not Gonta-kuns which actually existed in Japan in 67-90) were actually a product line by a toy producer 15 years ago, and Bonta-kuns in that famous playground is the legacy of that sacked project------that is, the playground only borrowed it without any copyright over it. The producer was so dedicated to it that even made a children cartoon "Bonta-kun of FumoFumo Valley", which Chidori obviously doesn't heard about it since it only consisted of 8 episodes. It's far from unpopular though, given its decent viewing rates and high production quality even by today's standards------especially how Bonta-kun evaded massed-up missiles in Episode 3 was called "the legendary 5 seconds", leading to the whole production was famous among otakus. But it's probably such high production standard killed the anime: production schedules and budgets couldn't afford this, andf with the bankrupcy of the toy producer TV show was cut. The company who received the copyright also closed down a few years later, leading to its flowing-around until a tofu shop (yes, no kidding) in Nerima took whole of it, after all those complicated court cases. But the tofu shop owner was so generous that he declared he won't interfere any activity of Bonta-kun lovers, including this market------the owner even has a stall in this place, and buying his tofu back home is widely considered as an important status that shows themselves as a Bonta-kun fan. (From their eyeviews, there's only a strongly-built man selling ordinary tofus, but tons of people are waiting)
The two girls obviously want to leave, but they're grabbed by WB and Sousuke, saying that they can still shop around, and saying that can't do that to Fumo. The two Bonta-kuns then proceed to put on hats on another, as WB is so generous and hardworking to explain Bonta-kuns' actual history, while it's an honour to invite Sousuke to here since he introduced Bonta-kuns to ARMIES and POLICE worldwide. (Yeah, we all know that) It's just a supernatural scene to watch the two Bonta-kuns talking, nodding and bowing to each other------Chidori and Kyoko are simply being abandoned by these fanatics.
Just then, a staff greenish Bonta-kun rushes into WB (who switches voice channels) and tell somethign to him, with the latter gives a serious look, then leave with the greeen Bonta-kun after a bow. Chidori asks what's going on, and Sousuke tells them that it appears someone will try to trash this place or even setting up fires (screams from the girls), and without their permissions he grabs the two and runs towards other staff.

At the backstage, there're simply waves of Bonta-kuns (substituting "people") taking hold of the 4 troublemakers. Their wears are simply teh opposite of the markets', filling much of feeling to kill------just like those from the trian station. Some staff looks serious, but most of them are more frustrated than anything else. WB explains to Sousuke that they seem trying to throw cocktails to the stage shouting "we have the right to use this place" ......And the four turns out to be members of a famous band Crackdown. Chidori doesn't know about this band, and Kyoko continued that because she only likes James Brown or funk from 70s ("these awful stuff") and others......(From HS: Hey, what's wrong for loving older music styles?) They seem to have violent playing styles (both players and fans), but it's somehow different from death metals------they can go so far that burning dogs, swallowing hamsters, setting up fire in the place, raping those coming firemen......though some are just rumours. (From HS: Hey, isn't that DMC?) Due to her love of dogs and as a hamster's owner, Chidori can't accept them to do these on these lovable animals and turns on her berserk mode (and looks like Hiramatu Shinji's illustrations, at least on the words), picking up the leading man and trying to strangle him, only with Kyoko and other Bonta-kuns cooperate to pull her away, with Kyoko saying these are mostly rumours. She then turns back to normal (Shikidouji's, shit you not......what? You don't know who she is?), saying that she can't contol herself.
But still, they won't be normal as they tried to throw cocktails (said by Sousuke, which Chidori simply commented that it shouldn't be said by a guy who throw grenades around the school). And what's "the right to use this place" mean? WB replies he did follow the strict progress of borrowing this place, only one thing------Crackdown will have a large concert in this place annually on this day, so this place and day has a sacred meaning to the fans (like Christmas to Christians). But because either the players or fans' actions are just radical each year (breaking glass, fightings, etc and nothing short of horrible), the owner simply refuse to lend them this place now. And so, without knowing this matter, the Fumo market borrowed the place on this day (being unused). Initially they'll book the International Exhibition Center in Odaiba as like each year, but it's wrecked by a serious terrorist activity in June (nice job breaking it AL), so they're forced to book this place.
In fact, prior to the opening of this event, they're threatened to no end by them and their fans, even considered that it's them who made the owner refused to lend them the place, and went so far that they'll take this place by force if they don't stop this event today. Obviously, the owner coldly replied that it's not their busniess over disputes among the users, but WB admits that he didn't think they'll actually go this far, and treated this good day-shattering stuff as an easy matter (staff around also showed their unhappiness). The leader of teh four, who seemed to have snatched a earphone and listened to these all along, laughed very hard and claims "this is only the beginning", as the fans will march to this place soon. WB urges the cargo door be opened, and as they look through the door------
Numerous people are gathered on the opposite land, occupying every place they can see.

There're at least 10K of people as they can see, and if they can surround this reclaimed land, there're at least tens of thousands behind: those from the station is just part of it. Just like their leaders, these people are holding bysicle chains, morning stars, steel pipes, etc and their shouting simply cna shake the ground. The leader laughs, saying these are 30K of fans coming to here every year, and soon they'll charge towards here-----which not only spell doom to the stalls and products, Bonta-kuns will certainly also suffer. Not only WB, Chidori and Kyoko also shake upon hearing this------it's not just a music event anymore, but a whole bunch of crusaders twisted by a religion: an evil band that can gather so much supporters. Chidori then tries to dial 110, but it doesn't respond------or simply said, no phones can dial to any number now. After scanning all over the place with eletronics, Sousuke commented they must had sabotaged phone lines or mobile phone signal stations (in a mass there must be some experts), making them isolated from the entire society. The Green Bonta-kun suggested to evacuate the place together with firefighting team, but Sousuke takes out a map showing the area around, saying that the only route to leave here is the only the bridge in the north, and with all those people there it's now sealed. There's a bridge in the west but it's still under construction, and if they use ships it'll spend a whole night to carry all people away. As such......THEY MUST FIGHT.
The Green Bonta-kun shouts for desparation, as they only have around 30 staff against tens of thousands of people------but there're no other choices, and as WB added, if they lose to the mob they'll be laughed to no end among the mascot industry. Also, they have to protect the participants. He then calls for volunteers......

......And order those participants with suits to go for the stage. Kyoko doesn't really know what that mean, and Sousuke tells her to watch. After a while, all those participants with suits arrive......

They all look at WB on the stage, and Chidori is simply stunned by their appearance------afterall, in the past 7 of these are able to DEMOLISH a triad gang (yeah, good job Sousuke), but Sousuke adds that these aren't his powered suit, instead these're non-combat, normal mascot suits only.
Anyway, let's watch how WB delivered his speech (all in Bonta-kun language):
He says something, the crowd shows frustrating noises. One of them loudly scolds WB, and after he apologizes, he delivered a hot-blooded, determined speech which shakes the mass, who are nodding to each other. WB continued, and the crowd agrees, and it'll turn out like that. However, one of his words shakes their heart.
(My own crappy translation)
"Oh Heaven and Earth, Look at this place.
We gathered in this place, made our friendship of meat pads.
We now make our oath, for our freedom of Fumo mouths.
And now we will march to the field.
Let us spend our lives, to make this place's name, as another Thermopylae, ring and spread to everywhere!"
It's not known if these're the actual words, but the 300 Bonta-kuns seem inspired and raises their fists up in the air, roaring with courage.
The whole building is rocked.
And they're going to prepare for fight.
(From HS: No wonder how Gatoh wrote these......Next time, you can actually use a shorter one: "FELLOW FUMO COMRADES! Ready your lunch, and eat hearty, for TONIGHT! WE DINE! IN TOKYO!!")

Assisted by normal participants, lids of ribbish bins and any cleaning stuff with a long handle are gathered------as shields and spears. This will be a direct melee fight. Sousuke was appointed as the advisor over this matter, and determined the bridge as the battlefield. Normal people painfully watch as the Bonta-kuns march out for battle, and some are seen to hug with their wives and children------as inappropriate as it may be (for the wearers of course), it's still a sad scene.
Chidori, obviously, shouts that it's impossible to fight with the ratio 1:100, but Sousuke says that with appropriate tactics it's not an impossible fight, like Battle of Austerliz, Battle of Okehazama or Battle of Chaeronea before and this fight will be written in the history worldwide, Chidori as the one who'll witness it (who obviously think it won't happen). He even has a last resort------which Chidori immediately says using napalm bomb to kill all of them are banned, and he replies it'll be excluded. (We all know you'll think about this......) He then leaves for taking command, and as she shouts at him not to get hurt, Sousuke raises his short shoulders to her.

The bridge is as wide as a basketball court, with the opposite side completely filled with angry mobs of people shouting and swinging their weapons. On this side, 300 Bonta-kuns form up steadily, staring at the mobs in front of them with their eyes. A leader-like man walks out from the crowd, saying resistance is furtile, and will spare them if they surrender now. WB in the front speaks, at least showing their firm stance. That man continues his speech of having shown their last mercy and will proceed to trash the formation......And is hit by Sousuke's empty drink can before he can even finish, fainted. Seeing this the mob starts their charge, and as WB commands they raise their shields and spears------
The formation holds firm, but not without sliding back 2 meters by such pressure. Their subsequent counterattack stabs the frontal mobs' head, breasts and others alike, defeating them. Some are of course being hit by the enemy but their "skins" neutralized these impacts------so it's pretty obvious for why only Bonta-kuns will go forward for fighting: Even without technological enhancements, the mascot suit itself is a strong armour on its own, especially against all those bludgeons the mob use. The formation is so immovable that they step on the fallen enemies------WB's spear was broken but he still uses the broken half to stab into people's asses, and Sousuke takes down enemies with legs or his electrified truncheon. The first wave completely fails, and the second wave charges forward. The first rank of Bonta-kuns stepped back as the second rank moves forward, blocking and fighting as fierce as the first. Crackdown supporters can only enter the islande through this bridge, and so it'll become a bottleneck that even with mass numbers, number of people who'll face are all equal. The second wave also breaks, with some of them being kicked out of the bridge and falling into the cold water, and the third waves exchanged......

Kyoko can't believe the Bonta-kuns can hold the line, as fourth to sixth waves were all beaten. Participants start to get hyped up due to the mascots' fight, but Chidori thinks otherwise: enemies aren't even reach 90% of their former numbers , while the Bonta-kuns are taking on a wheel war. How long can they hold? (From HS: The succeed rate will reach 100% with the help of COURAGE!)
The mob even tries to use trucks to rush through, and obviously Sousuke use his limited grenade to blow it up, creating chaos among the mob; but then they deployed elites wearing masks, though not before the formation piles up the defeated ones and push them down, burying them. A 3m-tall guy wants to attack WB and take him to a tough fight, though WB eventually wins, raising their morale. Still, the formation start to show signs of exhaustion and fallen Bonta-kus start to appear, being transported to the back. After the 11th wave, though they still hold the line, exhausion continues to reign.
90 minutes after the beginning, the man who Sousuke hit first orders the attack to halt, and while appreciates the Bonta-kuns' power, they have no hope to win------Chidori thinks the same: only around 30% of Bonta-kuns are still on the field, others are so exhausted that they sleep back there or enjoy their food (From HS: Hell, why don't they try Israel's methods in Six Day War?), while there're still 20K+ fans over there. The leader says that if they lay down they'll assure their and their families' lives, even can sell Crackdown's new CD with 10% off. It looks tempting for it can protect the participants behind, and probably they can freely use this center in all but this day each year......But that also mean they'll become slaves. WB look at Sousuke, who shakes his head after a bit of thinking (looks like "as you like")......And WB proceeds to look at the sky above with sorrowful eyes, seeming to remember those fading lives before. WB then moves forwards, leaving those people behind. Everyone should have been thinking that he did his best for this market, while they're unable to fight on anymore, even Chidori sighs for his contribution for the market. WB, in the middle of the bridge, kneel down his legs and are about to surrender, with the mob laughing at him with their weapons......
Sousuke rushes forward, stepping on WB on the ground and jumps up, hitting their leader fainted again with a Dr.Pepper can. WB stands up, and seeming to understand Sousuke's actions, speaks a few words along with the waving Sousuke: It looks like "We'll continue to fight". Obviously, the mob explodes and rush forward, aiming at levelling this place. Chidori and Kyoko can't even watch as the Bonta-kuns are unable to stop the rampaging mob......Will they fail to stop the angry mob to rush into the building? Sousuke and WB runs back to their section of bridge, as the mob passes through the central part of it------WB then receives something from Sousuke: a detonation device, safety off. Chidori realizes the fact just as WB press that......KA-BOOM. Short explosions (plastic bombs without knowing when were placed) make the bridge break up into halves: the detonation is small in its sense, but because of the perfect timing for some construction science to work, the bridge falls apart due to sheer weight on it. Debris fall into the water along with hundreds of people, as Sousuke shut his eyes, seeming that he doesn't want to use this method......And of course, follows by Chidori's paper fan.

Those fell into the water called for help, and while some reaches the island, those waiting Bonta-kuns mercilessly stab them back into the water. Without an alternative way to launch an attack, and being shocked by such trauma, the mob slienced and leaves the place one by one. This result in victory for market's side, and what makes it stand out is that there're no dead people in this whole chaos, even some staff thinks the whole thing is a miracle.
On the police's part, they considers the fans gathered on weak spots of the bridge leading to its collapse, no other things involved, so the activity and those people are all safe.
As teh bridge is broken, they're still forced to stay on the island, but not without a celebration party. Chidori thinks an end with "both sides being destroyed" should be the right end and worthy to be written on history, but Sousuke thinks ties of meat pads are lots stronger than other things......and proceeds to drink with fellow exhausted Bonta-kuns despite Chidori's immediate protest.

Story ends. Seriously Gatoh, even you want to play homage to 300, please make it even more obvious and funny......
p.s.осторожно, споилер на вражеском языке))

#73 Blumen_von_Eis » 08.02.2010, 12:39

Итак, новый рассказ-сайдстори был опубликован в февральском номере Dragon Magazine. Спойлер в процессе перевода, через день-два он будет на сайте, но уже сейчас можно сказать, что нас ждет нечто особенное – эпическая сага о битве добра и зла.


"С севера придут дикие орды. Восстанут на нас тысячи воинов "Карателей". Полчища врагов затмят солнечный свет. Тогда… Тогда мы будем сражаться во тьме! Весь мир узнает, что триста воинов сражались за свободу! Фумо-фумо!"

Вот как-то так…
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
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С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#74 Blumen_von_Eis » 18.02.2010, 13:25

Благодаря самоотверженному труду Genzo мы можем прочитать перевод еще одной сайдстори - "Полуночные разбойники". Школа "Дзиндай" - интересное место: там могут обнаружиться сокровища, там по ночам проходят странные собрания, а в рощице неподалеку мерцает свет...

Рассказ "Mayonaka_no_Raiders" входит в сборник "Anshin Dekinai Nanatsu Dougu"
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
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Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#75 Blumen_von_Eis » 26.02.2010, 07:21

Новый перевод сайдстори - "Голос с севера" (Kyokuhoku Kara no Koe) от MisterV. Это история, которую все мы давно хотели услышать. Она не только проливает свет на прошлое Сагары Соске, но и приоткрывает дверцу во внутренний мир Калинина, о котором мы знаем крайне мало. О чем же Вы на самом деле думаете, Андрей Сергеевич?


Рассказ "Голос с севера" входит в одноименный сборник Kyokuhoku Kara no Koe
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
Репутация: 7 (+7/−0)
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Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#76 kuciy » 25.03.2010, 21:43

Прекрасные новости,товарищи. Если верить fullmeta.com, то:
先日、水戸で行われたコミックマーケットSP5のトークイベントで、賀東ブラザーの発言があっ たとか。

Что значит что последняя новелла должна выйти до лета.

#77 Alexander » 26.03.2010, 04:18

Эт-та))) Там случаем не про мангу сказано? На блоге Гато пусто)
З.Ы. по новости. В прошлом году мы верили блогу Гато, но в результате всё накрылось веером на букву "Х")))) Так что пока лучше ничего не говорить и смиренно, скрестив пальцы, ждать лучшего)))))
Alexander M
Откуда: Москва
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#78 Blumen_von_Eis » 05.05.2010, 13:30

Сводки с полей :)

2-го мая в Токио прошел "9-й Фестиваль ранобе". На этом мероприятии засветился всеми нами нежно любимый Гато Сёдзи. На закономерный вопрос: "Так когда же?" - Великий и Ужасный ответил, что этой весной последнюю новеллу издать, к сожалению, не удастся, но вот летом 2010… И это совершенно точно. Точно-точно!))

P.S. У меня одной такое чувство, что we all live in Yansk-11? Дежавю все сильнее))

Источник (яп.)
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
Репутация: 7 (+7/−0)
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Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#79 Blumen_von_Eis » 17.05.2010, 14:10

А вот и официальные извинения от Гато: http://www.gatoh.com/weblog/index.html. Просит прощения у заждавшихся поклонников и клятвенно заверяет, что дата выхода последней новеллы уже известна. Кто понимает по-японски, те, возможно, разберут, что он говорит насчет Мао. Такое впечатление, что он пишет о ней рассказ. Что сказать? Верим в Вас, Гато-сан, по-прежнему верим несмотря ни на что))
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
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Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца

#80 Blumen_von_Eis » 21.05.2010, 10:53

Дождались!))) Объявлена дата релиза новой книги из серии FMP!

17-го июля она будет выпущена в Японии издательством Fujimi. Называться эта новелла будет Full Metal Panic! 11: Zutto, Stand By Me ( Always, Stand by Me. Part I/ Будь со мной всегда. Ч.1). Для нас самое интересное то, что сделана оговорка: часть первая, и то, что Гато больше не называет эту новеллу последней. Вероятно, последней новеллой теперь будет считаться вторая часть Zutto, Stand By Me.

Источник - animenewsnetwork

Спойлеры к последней новелле можно найти здесь и здесь.
P.S. А высказаться, наверно, можно в Вопросах и ответах по новеллам)
Говорят, что несчастие хорошая школа; может быть. Но счастие есть лучший университет. (А.С. Пушкин)
Blumen_von_Eis F
Откуда: где-то в России
Репутация: 7 (+7/−0)
Сообщения: 8586
Зарегистрирован: 22.11.2008
С нами: 15 лет 4 месяца


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